Satyam Shivam Sundram
Truth Godliness Beauty
Buts, ifs and how’s
The moment anybody realizes that he is pigheaded, he is no more. And no pig can ever realize that he is pigheaded; that’s impossibility. If you have realized that you are pigheaded, one thing is absolutely certain: you are not a pig.
You are asking, “I always have this ‘but’ inside me and I don’t know how to jump over it.”
Just be pigheaded and stubborn and jump!
Moreover, I have never asked you to drop your buts and ifs. You cannot – your mind is always schizophrenic, it is always split in diametrically opposite directions. So one part of the mind says one thing and the other part
immediately contradicts it; that is the “but”. One part wants to complete the sentence but the other part comes in.
But I have never asked you to drop it, jump over it! you have misunderstood me. I only want you to understand whatever is the case within you. Just the understanding is enough to dispel all darkness.
These are the languages of the ego: How to jump? How to drop? Every “how” is born out of the ego; the man of understanding simply wonders, “Where is the ego? Where are all those ‘buts’ and ‘ifs’?”
They have simply disappeared. In the intense light of your awareness all these things cannot exist.
You have to surrender to existence, not to me. That’s my continuous fight with all the religions: they all want you to surrender to them.
Surrender to existence, surrender to the stars and the ocean and the mountains, and they will not become a bondage to you. They will give you freedom and they will give you tremendous blessings. The whole existence will become your home. Surrender to the whole. In that surrender there is some significance, because in that surrender the ego will disappear.
Yes, I also preach surrender, but the surrender is to be not to me but to the whole. And it will be easier for you to surrender to this infinite beautiful cosmos. Your “but” will disappear.
I teach you freedom, not surrender.
I teach you totality in your living, and I teach you tremendous respect and love and gratitude for the whole.
The transformation is not brought by the stars, neither is it brought by the mountains, nor by the whole. The transformation is brought by your surrender and your totality, but remember the meaning of surrender and totality. Ten years or ten lives... you cannot go back if surrender is total. You cannot take back your surrender one day and say, “Now I am no longer surrendered.”
If you do that, that means that all the time you thought you were surrendered, you were not.
Surrender is absolute, unconditional, and there is no way to take it back. That’s why I insist on totality. Don’t hold anything back. Just give up all to the whole to which it belongs.
You have come out of the whole.
You belong to the whole.
Your life every moment is nourished by the whole. Just allow the whole to take over your being completely, entirely, and in the right moment, in the right season, the spring comes and the flowers start blossoming.
Satyam Shivam Sundram
Truth Godliness Beauty
Buts, ifs and how’s
The moment anybody realizes that he is pigheaded, he is no more. And no pig can ever realize that he is pigheaded; that’s impossibility. If you have realized that you are pigheaded, one thing is absolutely certain: you are not a pig.
You are asking, “I always have this ‘but’ inside me and I don’t know how to jump over it.”
Just be pigheaded and stubborn and jump!
Moreover, I have never asked you to drop your buts and ifs. You cannot – your mind is always schizophrenic, it is always split in diametrically opposite directions. So one part of the mind says one thing and the other part
immediately contradicts it; that is the “but”. One part wants to complete the sentence but the other part comes in.
But I have never asked you to drop it, jump over it! you have misunderstood me. I only want you to understand whatever is the case within you. Just the understanding is enough to dispel all darkness.
These are the languages of the ego: How to jump? How to drop? Every “how” is born out of the ego; the man of understanding simply wonders, “Where is the ego? Where are all those ‘buts’ and ‘ifs’?”
They have simply disappeared. In the intense light of your awareness all these things cannot exist.
You have to surrender to existence, not to me. That’s my continuous fight with all the religions: they all want you to surrender to them.
Surrender to existence, surrender to the stars and the ocean and the mountains, and they will not become a bondage to you. They will give you freedom and they will give you tremendous blessings. The whole existence will become your home. Surrender to the whole. In that surrender there is some significance, because in that surrender the ego will disappear.
Yes, I also preach surrender, but the surrender is to be not to me but to the whole. And it will be easier for you to surrender to this infinite beautiful cosmos. Your “but” will disappear.
I teach you freedom, not surrender.
I teach you totality in your living, and I teach you tremendous respect and love and gratitude for the whole.
The transformation is not brought by the stars, neither is it brought by the mountains, nor by the whole. The transformation is brought by your surrender and your totality, but remember the meaning of surrender and totality. Ten years or ten lives... you cannot go back if surrender is total. You cannot take back your surrender one day and say, “Now I am no longer surrendered.”
If you do that, that means that all the time you thought you were surrendered, you were not.
Surrender is absolute, unconditional, and there is no way to take it back. That’s why I insist on totality. Don’t hold anything back. Just give up all to the whole to which it belongs.
You have come out of the whole.
You belong to the whole.
Your life every moment is nourished by the whole. Just allow the whole to take over your being completely, entirely, and in the right moment, in the right season, the spring comes and the flowers start blossoming.
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