Satyam Shivam Sunderam
Truth Godliness Beauty
Satyam Shivam Sunderam
Truth Godliness Beauty
Only the meditator knows there is no death

"My work is not to answer you, but to help you to solve your questions"
This is a totally different kind of work.
I cannot do that tremendous harm to your intelligence, so my answers have to be looked at in a totally different way. I will give you the background, all the implications, and the question will be solved by you, not answered by me.
Unless a question is solved by yourself, your intelligence never becomes sharp, your consciousness never becomes alert. You go on accumulating ready-made answers in your mind, in your memory, which is simply a load, of no use. In any situation which is fresh and new you will be at a loss what to do, because you don’t have the ready-made answer.
I am working from a totally different angle. I want you to be capable, conscious, alert, intelligent, so whenever a new situation arises – and every day you are going to face a new situation – you are capable to respond with certainty on your own. It is a joy when you find an answer to any question yourself.
I don’t give you an answer while I am answering you; I am trying to put your whole situation before you. If you can become aware of the whole situation the answer will arise on its own, in your own intelligence. It will become a flame within you. And because it is yours, you will have a certainty, indubitability, a tremendous trust in it.
Any answer given from outside – you can believe it, but you cannot trust it. You can manage, you can force yourself to believe it because the person who has given it seems to be the right person. But all these are guesses – and a belief is not a trust. Belief is always in somebody else; trust is something that arises in you as a fragrance of your being, as your intelligence sharpening, as your consciousness growing.
Why does it happen? – because meditation and death are almost synonymous. Meditation brings you the realization of your being, on the one hand; on the other hand it kills your ego, and you have been attached, identified with the ego, not with the being. So the first experiences of deepening meditation feel like you are dying.
Obviously, when you die you will die to others. And in this continuous flow of millions of years, everybody has only seen somebody else dying. Nobody has seen himself dying, except very exceptional people whose meditation has gone so deep that the moment they are separated from their body they know that the body was always dead, consisted of dead materials; the life that was showing in the body was just the inflow of eternal life that was reflected in the body.
The constant river of eternal life flowing within you makes your body also look alive. The moment the eternal flow has moved, has changed its course, your body comes to its reality. But you never die. And the whole art of meditation is to make you aware and alert that you are not the body.
Meditation will take that fear away and meditation will also take away the idea that one is man and one is woman, because those things belong to the body. The consciousness is transcendental; it is neither male nor female.
You will have to dig deep through meditation to find the pure waters of trust within your being. It is going to be your own work on yourself. It is going to be your own creative exploration, adventure.
Yes, Buddhas can show you the path, but they cannot help you in any other way. I can tell you about meditations, but I cannot do meditations for you.
Never start from the secondary; always remember as a fundamental rule to start from the primary. And the primary reality and existence is you.
Hidden within you is satyam, shivam, sundram – the truth, the godliness and the utter beauty of it. That is the seed; take care of it, and you will soon have a vast tree arising in you, spreading its branches in all directions with millions of flowers.
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