Satyam Shivam Sundram
Truth Godliness Beauty
Choose the flowers, leave the thorns
Only one thing can prevent your enlightenment, and that is suffering. Enlightenment is the ultimate celebration, so any small celebrations that you are having will become just like steps towards it. But suffering cannot become a step towards enlightenment.
The darkness can never be a hindrance. You cannot say that the darkness is so thick and so old that whenever I bring the light in, the light goes off. Darkness cannot put the light off.
Music will be deepened as your meditation grows; your music will have new flavors, new flowers, new fragrances. Your music will become more and more in tune with your meditation. Ultimately the music comes to a point of
perfection when no instrument is needed... but pure silence, without any sounds. In fact, what you call music is a play between sound and silence. Those who emphasize the sound miss the deeper meaning of music. The deeper meaning is between two sounds, in the gaps.
Meditation is not against music. On the contrary, music has been born out of meditative consciousness. When it was used for the first time, it was used to express something about meditation. But the gestalt has to change; from sound the emphasis should change to the silence. And meditation will do that miracle automatically.
As far as women are concerned, it is impossible to become enlightened without women. They are the real driving force. People say that behind every great man there is a woman. That may be right, may not be right, but behind every enlightened man there are many women – torturing him, harassing him until finally he decides it is better to become enlightened. If there is no woman to harass you, why should you try to become enlightened in the first place? Women have not become enlightened for the simple reason that no man is harassing them. So don’t be afraid of women; they are an immense help, absolutely necessary.
Just get rid of suffering.
Nothing else in the world can prevent your meditation.
It is a miracle that sometimes you come out of your old structure, out in the open sky. Just pay more attention to these moments, nourish them, relish them. And when it does not happen, don’t be worried. Just remember one thing, that it is an old habit – but don’t give it any attention, don’t be bothered. It is absolutely human. For centuries, for many lives we have not known anything other than misery, pain, agony. Naturally they have gone deep into our unconscious.
There is no fight at all that is happening within you; it is just that an old habit takes possession of you. You should remember,”It is just a habit and I am not to be concerned with it, not to be bothered with it.” Let it be there and soon those old habits will start falling like dead leaves from the trees.
In fact, there seems to be no problem; it is just that you are not aware of your habits, unconscious accumulations. It is good that they are coming up, because that is the only way to get rid of them. Don’t repress them, otherwise they will go on coming up. And don’t give them attention, otherwise you are giving nourishment to things that should be starved and allowed to die.
Your whole focus should be on those beautiful moments that happen to you, those orgasmic spaces. Fill them with all your energy, and slowly, slowly it is an absolute inevitability that that which is blissful is going to win over the suffering. That which is ecstatic is going to win over the agony – unless you decide to pay more attention to the agony and take the ecstasy just for granted. Then there will be trouble.
So the only thing to remember is to pour your attention and love, and rejoice and feel grateful for those moments which give you orgasmic blissfulness. The others are not to be even talked about. Let them come... it is good that they are surfacing.
Try to find the positive, the beautiful, and you will be surrounded with the positive, the beautiful, and the blissful. I am not saying that there are not wrong things in the world; I am not saying that there are not thorns in the rosebush. It is a question of your emphasis. If you look at the roses you will
be so ecstatic that who cares about the thorns. But if you look only at the thorns – and not only look, but count them – you are going to have bloody fingers, and in that pain you will forget all about roses.
Life is absolutely balanced between the positive and the negative. Now it is your choice which side you want to be – in heaven or in hell. Wherever you want to be, try to find it in your life every moment. And whenever you have found something positive, pour all your attention and all your love on it. That will make it grow; that will make it more and more important in your life, more and more taking the space of your being.
You live in a world, in an existence which has both. Out of sheer necessity it needs balance in opposite polarities. But you need not be worried about that which makes you miserable.
Choose the flowers and leave the thorns.
Satyam Shivam Sundram
Truth Godliness Beauty
Choose the flowers, leave the thorns
Only one thing can prevent your enlightenment, and that is suffering. Enlightenment is the ultimate celebration, so any small celebrations that you are having will become just like steps towards it. But suffering cannot become a step towards enlightenment.
The darkness can never be a hindrance. You cannot say that the darkness is so thick and so old that whenever I bring the light in, the light goes off. Darkness cannot put the light off.
Music will be deepened as your meditation grows; your music will have new flavors, new flowers, new fragrances. Your music will become more and more in tune with your meditation. Ultimately the music comes to a point of
perfection when no instrument is needed... but pure silence, without any sounds. In fact, what you call music is a play between sound and silence. Those who emphasize the sound miss the deeper meaning of music. The deeper meaning is between two sounds, in the gaps.
Meditation is not against music. On the contrary, music has been born out of meditative consciousness. When it was used for the first time, it was used to express something about meditation. But the gestalt has to change; from sound the emphasis should change to the silence. And meditation will do that miracle automatically.
As far as women are concerned, it is impossible to become enlightened without women. They are the real driving force. People say that behind every great man there is a woman. That may be right, may not be right, but behind every enlightened man there are many women – torturing him, harassing him until finally he decides it is better to become enlightened. If there is no woman to harass you, why should you try to become enlightened in the first place? Women have not become enlightened for the simple reason that no man is harassing them. So don’t be afraid of women; they are an immense help, absolutely necessary.
Just get rid of suffering.
Nothing else in the world can prevent your meditation.
It is a miracle that sometimes you come out of your old structure, out in the open sky. Just pay more attention to these moments, nourish them, relish them. And when it does not happen, don’t be worried. Just remember one thing, that it is an old habit – but don’t give it any attention, don’t be bothered. It is absolutely human. For centuries, for many lives we have not known anything other than misery, pain, agony. Naturally they have gone deep into our unconscious.
There is no fight at all that is happening within you; it is just that an old habit takes possession of you. You should remember,”It is just a habit and I am not to be concerned with it, not to be bothered with it.” Let it be there and soon those old habits will start falling like dead leaves from the trees.
In fact, there seems to be no problem; it is just that you are not aware of your habits, unconscious accumulations. It is good that they are coming up, because that is the only way to get rid of them. Don’t repress them, otherwise they will go on coming up. And don’t give them attention, otherwise you are giving nourishment to things that should be starved and allowed to die.
Your whole focus should be on those beautiful moments that happen to you, those orgasmic spaces. Fill them with all your energy, and slowly, slowly it is an absolute inevitability that that which is blissful is going to win over the suffering. That which is ecstatic is going to win over the agony – unless you decide to pay more attention to the agony and take the ecstasy just for granted. Then there will be trouble.
So the only thing to remember is to pour your attention and love, and rejoice and feel grateful for those moments which give you orgasmic blissfulness. The others are not to be even talked about. Let them come... it is good that they are surfacing.
Try to find the positive, the beautiful, and you will be surrounded with the positive, the beautiful, and the blissful. I am not saying that there are not wrong things in the world; I am not saying that there are not thorns in the rosebush. It is a question of your emphasis. If you look at the roses you will
be so ecstatic that who cares about the thorns. But if you look only at the thorns – and not only look, but count them – you are going to have bloody fingers, and in that pain you will forget all about roses.
Life is absolutely balanced between the positive and the negative. Now it is your choice which side you want to be – in heaven or in hell. Wherever you want to be, try to find it in your life every moment. And whenever you have found something positive, pour all your attention and all your love on it. That will make it grow; that will make it more and more important in your life, more and more taking the space of your being.
You live in a world, in an existence which has both. Out of sheer necessity it needs balance in opposite polarities. But you need not be worried about that which makes you miserable.
Choose the flowers and leave the thorns.
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